Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Another spaced out day

I got some sleep but woke up much too early, around five, but then was able to get back to sleep and to my surprise both Marty and I slept till almost nine. I had been taking the morphine and atavan consistently during the evening, but they had gotten out of sync during the night and I was feeling pretty awful. I called hospice and Louise stopped by--for one thing she needed to order more morphine for me, and she helped to get me back on the schedule. At that point I was feeling very agitated, with odd stabs of pain, and just wanted to get back to the alternating spaciness and sleep which seems like the best I can do under the circumstances. Eventually I did get the medicines balanced and drifted off to sleep for a while.

Nancie came at twelve-thirty. I didn't feel strong enough to take a shower, so she gave me a sponge bath, which was refreshing, and changed the sheets on the bed. As she was leaving Laurel arrived, and I've been alternately awake and asleep all afternoon.

The good news is that I'm typing this on my new computer, which Jim set up for me yesterday. It will take me a little while to get used to it but so far everything seems fine.


  1. Hi Judi, I'm just catching up with your postings about the Celebration and everything since then. I am SO happy that it all turned out so fantastic!

    Thanks for sharing all your daily struggles and joys and dilemmas with us all, love and all good wishes from Jan in England.

  2. Judi
    Is there any chance I could come see you tomorrow (Labor Day? I'd love to visit for a bit, bring you some Chinese food if you like and, given that NYAPRS is giving you our Lifetime Achievement Award later this month, film your comments and words to our community. Please call me at 518-527-0564.
    Sorry for the last minute nature of this request. I do hope this'd work for you.

  3. I have been talking to Darby Penny through Facebook e-mail about reframing the issue of abolishing involuntary treatment. I intend to figure this out. I am very bored with my life in financial services and need somethimg worthwhile to think about and do. Paul
